

My RØDE Reel 2021 Maiglöckchen Wald bei Hünxe (Ger)
Majchrzak Reinhard
The film team goldecken.tv was already very surprised when we wanted to film for the first time this year 2021 in the lily of the valley forest near Hünxe.
At first we didn't care when a group of mountain bikers crashed down the sloping wooded mountain and landed back on the forest floor with a jump at the end of the ride almost standing in the air. Hence our requirement. Give the children an alternative.
Best Regards Film Team www.goldecken.tv
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Making Of RØDE Reel 2021 Maiglöckchen Wald 2021
Presseartikel zum Film: http://www.filmteamgoldecken.en-a.de/lokale_nachrichten/konflikte_im_maigloeckchen_wald_bei_huenxe-81732/
Unser Filmteam goldecken.tv war schon sehr verwundert als in diesem Jahr im Maiglöckchen Wald bei Hünxe gefilmt hatten.