
The Hike | A Short Film | Rode Reel 2021


The Hike | A Short Film | Rode Reel 2021

Jonah Brown

A young girl is obsessed with a challenge “Survive 30 days in the woods”. Unprepared and following every word from the YouTube videos. Will she survive?

Behind-The-Scenes Film

The Hike | Behind The Scenes | Rode Reel 2021

Watch the Behind The Scenes of The Hike. A young girl is obsessed with a challenge “Survive 30 days in the woods”. Unprepared and following every word from the YouTube videos. Will she survive?
The Hike | Behind The Scenes | Rode Reel 2021


Nadiya Ojala


Malachi Brown

Survival YouTuber

Jonah Brown

Director / Camera Operator

Hosanna Brown

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