
Half Dome Hike | My Rode Reel


Half Dome Hike | My Rode Reel

Mark Vaughan

Bright Idea by Geographer licensed through YouTube . Be sure to subscribe to the Auburn Medical Group YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/auburnmedicalgroup You can follow Dr. Mark Vaughan on Twitter, Instagram, and Periscope: @doctorvaughan.

Behind-The-Scenes Film

Half Dome Hike BTS | My Rode Reel

Behind the Scenes of Half Dome Hike for the My Rode Reel Competition. Bright Idea by Geographer licensed through YouTube . Subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/doctorvaughan?sub_confirmation=1 Be sure to hit the bell icon to enable notifications of future videos. You can follow Dr. Mark Vaughan on Twitter, Instagram, and Periscope: @doctorvaughan.
Half Dome Hike BTS | My Rode Reel


Mark Vaughan

producer, director, editor
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