

YOU - Short Film | My Rode Reel 2021
Xander Douik
A drama short film about depression and it's side effect on oneself.
We can see a depressed guy who's stuck on only seeing things one way that he ends up missing any other possible view. His negative thoughts are controlling what he sees and what he hears and changing them from good to bad. He's so sad and depressed that he cannot even realize what's really going on around him.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
YOU - Behind The Scenes | My Rode Reel 2021
"You" is a low budget drama shortfilm shot on a phone "Samsung Galaxy S9" combined with "Zhiyun Smooth 4".
We did our best to provide a good quality short film with an inspiring story that people can learn from because depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately it is also treatable in many ways and one of it is provided in our shortfilm.