
Playground RodeReel 2021


Playground RodeReel 2021

Ramon Bannister

#MyRodeReel2021 Last man on Earth reminisces about his past as he contemplates his present status. EQUIPMENT Sony a7s iii Rode Wireless Go (v1) Rode Lav Go (omni) Rode SC3 3.5mm TRRS tp TRS Adapter Zoom h4n SOFTWARE Davinci Resolve 17 Audacity 2.3.3 MUSIC "Retro, Future, Space, Electronic," by VXZ on Audio Jungle. Music used with license.

Behind-The-Scenes Film

Making of Playground for My Rode Reel 2021 Competition.

#MyRodeReel2021 A few behind-the-scenes details of how I produced the video, "Playground." Even with only 3 minutes and one actor, it was a lot of work. Audio played the most important part, especially the Rode Lav Go mic. Equipment
Making of Playground for My Rode Reel 2021 Competition.


Ramon Bannister

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