

Second Chance - My Rode Reel 2021
Wessel Van Heerden
This short film is about the guild of a mother trying to deal with the death of her child and handicapping the other by her own fault. The living child also has unforgiveness to resolve. The child has a rock in which the spirit essence of her deceased sister lives. The diseased child tries to resolve the issues between the living child and mother.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Second Chance BTS - My Rode Reel 2021
This is the behind the scenes video and photos of Second Chance. This short film is about the guild of a mother trying to deal with the death of her child and handicapping the other by her own fault. The living child also has unforgiveness to resolve. The child has a rock in which the spirit essence of her deceased sister lives. The diseased child tries to resolve the issues between the living child and mother.
Thank you My Rode Reel 2021