
The french cowboy - Rode Reel 2021


The french cowboy - Rode Reel 2021

Jacob Redman

Autumn is coming in the Pyrenees mountains, it’s the time of the stag bellowing on the summer grazing of Fredo. The deer’s call of love mingles with the cries of mothers being separated from their calves. After nine years of herding, it is still the same emotion for this cowherd who tells us the importance of respecting the animals and guaranteeing them good living conditions before they departure. Director: Jacob Redman Sound: Ana Sany Subtitling: Alex De Soria Cowherd: Frédéric Mascaro

Behind-The-Scenes Film

Making of - The french cowboy - MY RØDE REEL 2021

Jacob Redman tells us more about the making of his film "The French Cowboy". Link https://youtu.be/0nBqtIzeZug Director et editing: Jacob Redman Sound: Ana Sany music: Slam Dunk by Bosnow ---------------- Jacob Redman nous en dit plus sur la réalisation de son film "The French Cowboy". Lien vers le film : https://youtu.be/0nBqtIzeZug
Making of - The french cowboy - MY RØDE REEL 2021


Jacob Redman

Director, photography and editor

Ana Sany

Sound engineer
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