

Luminous - My RODE Reel 2021
Matt Power
A short film that tells a true story of light over darkness, perseverance, determination, and overcoming the challenges of the past. Carolyn overcomes the fears and scars of her past, and becomes a personal trainer. Through her story, she inspires others to do find their voice, and let their light overcome the darkness.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Luminous - Behind The Scenes - My RODE Reel 2021
Behind The Scenes of "Luminous" - my entry to the My RODE Reel short film contest 2021. Featuring the Rode K2 and NTG2 microphones.

Jericco Victor Vera
Music ComposerCarolyn Moggy
WriterMatt Power
Director/DP/EditorAllan Lee
Recording Engineer - VoiceoverAnn Power
Production Assistant