

Anant | My RØDE Reel 2021
Nachiket Soni
A Drama film submission for My Rode Reel Challenge 2021. ANANT is a beautiful narrative that portrays the protagonist's struggles in overcoming his anxiety and his desire to make things right. Exhibiting quite a relatable take on relationships amidst the pandemic, we are sure many might feel the same way!
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Anant | Behind The Scenes | My RØDE Reel 2021
Behind the Scenes of the film made for the Rode Reel Competition 2021
Edited by - Aditya Kisthawal

Sparsh Agrawal
Director, WriterNachiket Soni
Writer, EditorDevansh Shah
Director of PhotographyKush Shah
CinematographyAnmol Singh
CinematographyDhruvi Gorakhia
CinematographyHarsha Sarma
CinematographySakshi Pathak
SoundDhruti Ambekar
MusicKrishi Godhani
Script SupervisorAryan Lodha
LogisticsParth Pawa
LogisticsAagam Shah