

Life design | One-shot short film | My RØDE Reel 2021
Stefan Toma
The idea behind this project is that time is the most precious resource that us humans have and that we are the only ones who can choose how to spend it, when and with whom, based on the idea that we don't need to buy time, because we already have it.
Using an elaborate one-shot filming technique, with a touch of some hyperrealistic concepts and ideas, we tried to create an immersive experience in telling every character's story over a long period of time, with some food for thought at the end.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Life design | Behind the scenes | My RØDE Reel
I think I can manage to describe this in a single sentence: This is the BTS for my one-shot short film, in a moving studio, filmed with a steadicam and an FPV drone with a 360 camera mounted on top.
Okay, one more: No budget to begin with and only 3 weeks of prep to buy and learn how to fly an FPV drone whilst trying to gather 20+ people to help me with an insane moving studio choreography.
Plot twist: I am actually a dentist that wants to bring smiles on peoples faces in a different way.

Stefan Toma
Director, Screenplay, SFX, Production & PilotTien Dat Nguyen
1st AD, PM and Cam. Op.Tudor Dobrescu
1st AD, PM, ScreenwriterMatei Năstase
2nd AD, Composer, Lead actorCristian Pastramă
2nd AD, BTS Camera Op. & SFXBeatrice Păun
GafferIoana Roman
Make-up artistDavid Petcu
BTS Camera Op.David Petcu
Lead actor (Child/Woman)Andreea Lavinia Stan
Supporting actor (Mother)Andrei Cristian Anghel
Supporting actor (boyfriend)Dr. Ghiuldan Toma
Supporting actor (Doctor)Corina Ioana Rucsandra
Extra (Girl 1)Alexandra Mitrea
Extra (Girl 2)Lucian Văsâi
Extra (Boy 1)Valentin Sava
Extra (Boy 2)Elin Hagicalil
Set AssistantVlad Spătaru
Set AssistantVictoria Pîntea
Set AssistantGabriela Bățaru
Set AssistantMihai Borcșa
Set AssistantTeodora Petcu
Set AssistantIlinca Buzescu
Set AssistantLaurențiu Ursu
Set AssistantIoana Popescu
Set AssistantVictor Apostolescu
Set AssistantCristian Tociu
Set AssistantValentin Sava
Set AssistantFlorentin Răducanu
Set AssistantTeodor Petredeanu
Set AssistantDavid Petcu
Set AssistantCarmina Vîlcea
Set AssistantAlexandra Mitrea
Set AssistantLucian Văsâi
Set Assistant