

Harry (my rode Reel 2021)
David Duckworth
A very short film based on a true story of a man who suffers psychosis and the constant struggle he encounters everyday of his life.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Harry BTS Final
Behind the scenes of how the short film we produced call ed Harry for there Rode film making comp 2021 Corran explains his reasons for writing the story and acting the role of someone who suffers psychosis

David Duckworth
CinematographerSukhvir Parmar
DirectorDavid Duckworth
EditorDavid Duckworth
ColouristChris Ward
Actor (harry in head voice 01)Corran Lindsay
Actor (Harry)Jem Anderson-Gardner
Soundie boom opRakib Mahbub
gafferKarl Donaldson-Kahi
Actor (Harrys in head voice 02Wayne Cook
Behind scenes camera op 01Elizabeth Pitcorn
Behind scenes camera op 02