

Call Me Chris | My RØDE Reel 2021
Emil Rademeyer
Call Me Chris is a documentary short film about resilience and hope. Chris had a big, happy family in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His peaceful life was abruptly cut short. Since then, he has endured many more tragedies and hardships. Yet, despite overwhelming adversity, he remains optimistic about the future and hopes to find a place that he and his family can call home.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Call Me Chris | My RØDE Reel 2021 (BTS)
This is the behind-the-scenes of our short film Call Me Chris.
Hearing Chris' life story has been an eye-opening experience. We immediately knew we had to share his incredible tale of resilience with others. With the distinct possibility of him and his family moving to Canada, we didn't have any time to waste.

Emil Rademeyer
Director, DOP & EditorDylan Lowe
Camera Operator & Assistant AnimatorGuellor Muguruka
BTS & Assistant AnimatorStian van Wyk
Storyboard Artist & AnimatorAné van Zyl
Storyboard Artist & Animator