
the pandemic postman - MY RØDE REEL 2021


the pandemic postman - MY RØDE REEL 2021

Cian McCormack

'the pandemic postman' tells the story of west of Ireland postman Joe Sheridan who kept isolated older people connected with the rest of the world when they were locked down and isolated in their homes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Directed and shot by Cian McCormack Sound design by Cian McCormack Edited by Cian McCormack Drone footage by Michael Gleeson (c) cian mccormack, 2021

Behind-The-Scenes Film

the pandemic postman - behind the scenes - My RØDE Reel 2021

A behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of 'the pandemic postman' - my entry into the #myrodereel2021 short film competition. Watch 'the pandemic postman here: https://youtu.be/E7G6NesiIKg
the pandemic postman - behind the scenes - My RØDE Reel 2021


Cian Mccormack

director, camera, editing
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