

Witnesses | My Rode Reel 2021
Richard Eick
Dave goes hard. His timing's a little off though.
Emilie Soghomonian as Amelia
Richard Eick as Dave
Em Hampton as Sarah
Max Giorgi as Siggy
Written & Directed by Max Giorgi
Cinematography & Editing by Richard Eick
Sound Recording by Laura Nicolo
"9th Symphony, Finale" - Beethoven
#MyRodeReel2021 #MyRodeReel #ShortFilm #Rode
Behind-The-Scenes Film
My Rode Reel 2021 BTS | Witnesses
Behind the Scenes of My Rode Reel 2021 Short Film "Witnesses"
Richard Eick
Max Giorgi
Emilie Soghomonian
Em Hampton
Laura Nicolo
#MyRodeReel2021 #MyRodeReel #ShortFilm #Rode