

The Way the World Ends | Drama Short Film | My RØDE Reel 2021
Spencer Kolssak
Plot Summary: The Way the World Ends is a short film about living during the Apocalypse. A deadly, airborne virus has gripped the world and everyone must wear Hazmat suits when leaving shelter in order to avoid passing the virus onto one another. All social activity has ceased - sports games, concerts, large gatherings, even meaningful interactions with neighbors. What is left is a humanity that is hollow, empty.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
The Way the World Ends | Behind the Scenes | My RØDE Reel 2021
The Way the World Ends is in many ways a very personal film. Serving as a thinly-veiled allegory of living through COVID and enduring social isolation and the barriers set up against human interaction, this short attempts to capture the feeling of depression in the midst of a global pandemic. It recognizes the very real threat of the virus - in the film his dad dies - but also laments the harmful effects of isolation and the death of a social humanity.

Spencer Kolssak
Director/CinematographerWill Story
1st Assistant Camera/DirectorWill Jossart
Location Sound ManagerJoseph Sunderman
Behind the ScenesRebecca Kolssak
Script SupervisorTy Moore
GafferJaja Smith
Cast: Main CharacterMatt Voboi
Cast: RadioTy Moore
Cast: NeighborRebecca Kolssak
Cast: NeighborMatthew Stevenson
Cast: NeighborSpencer Linville
Cast: Child Neighbor