

The Compositor | My Rode Reel 2021
Zack Anderson
A VFX Artist on the run must enlist the help of another artist to escape her superiors.
Directed by - Zack Anderson
Written by - Ian McKay and Zack Anderson
Assistant Director - Harliegh Hildebrand
Director of Photography - Caleb Wieland
First Assistant Camera - Preston Beene
Sound Engineer - Richard Harris
Editor - Ian McKay
Visual Effects - Zack Anderson
Gaffers: Ian Mckay, Grant Bradley, Griff H
Jahnavi Lasseter
Griff H
Jared Torbet
Caleb Wieland
Grant Bradley
Zack Anderson
Ian M
Behind-The-Scenes Film
The Compositor BTS | My Rode Reel 2021
Behind the scenes and gear breakdown of The Compositor.

Zack Anderson
DirectorIan Mckay
WriterCaleb Wieland
DPHarliegh Hildebrand
ADPreston Beene
ACRichard Harris
Sound EngineerGrant Bradley
GafferGriff H