
Summer Fling - Short Comedy


Summer Fling - Short Comedy

Daan van 't Einde

This open-minded dad faces his greatest challenge yet: The sexy man he tries to set his daughters up with comes with a surprise. Summer Fling is a short romantic comedy shot in The Netherlands about summer love, casual flirts and the strange places one might end up in once they truly become open-minded.

Behind-The-Scenes Film

Summer Fling BTS

Take a look behind the scenes of our short film Summer Fling. Five things you wouldn't know.
Summer Fling BTS


Daan van 't Einde

Director, Producer

Ramesh Sital

Line Producer

Luuk Audenaerde & Jan van Rijswijk

Assistant Directors

Max Middelburg

Production Assistant

Remco Schutz


Stief Knockaert & Julien Segeren


Amelia Veldhuis

Script Continuity
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