
SunEater - My Rode Reel MRR 2021 - Sci-Fi/Drama


SunEater - My Rode Reel MRR 2021 - Sci-Fi/Drama

Jehan Zohrab

Genetically edited to feed only on the sun, GUY wanders and wanders in search of NEWMERICA, something only his trusty AI WATCH knows about and directs him towards. For years, wandering, and stopping at empty towns and outposts along the way. His first encounter is a bit of an eye-opener, and we learn about what his journey really means. Link to the original score and sound created by one of our actors, Henn Johnson: https://youtu.be/1dnaOd_-PYo

Behind-The-Scenes Film

MRR - Rode 2021 Short Film BTS - SunEater

This was far and away the most fun we have ever had on any project. It was also the most challenging, both in post, and on location. Very trying, and something I can't wait to tackle again next year. We do feel like this short is a sharper and more difficult type of project, especially compared to our entry last year. No doubt about that.
MRR - Rode 2021 Short Film BTS - SunEater


Jehan Zohrab


Clay Guzman

2nd Cinematographer

Shyma El Sayed

Design / Wardrobe / Director's Assistant

Samuel Deaton

Gaffer / Audio/ Guide

Hennery Johnson

Star - SunEater 1

Todd Bailey

Actor -SunEater 2
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