

ESCAPE | Action Short Film, 1 take no cuts | My RØDE Reel 2021
Malik Bouabid
Run Fast, Fight Back, Don't Die. Follow these steps and you just might ESCAPE.
This scene was a 1-take action scene, with no hidden cuts. We wanted to showcase our teamwork skills for this project. Since we were short on performers, we re-used the performers who died during the earlier sequences. The performers would change off screen and run downstairs as the elevator fight sequence was happening.
Shot on: FX6, sony 14mm f1.8
Sound: Rode ntg 3+ (post audio Dubbing), Rode Wireless go

Behind-The-Scenes Film
BTS- ESCAPE | Action Short Film, 1 take no cuts | My RØDE Reel 2021
This scene was a 1-take action scene, with no hidden cuts. We wanted to showcase our teamwork skills for this project. Since we were short on performers, we re-used the performers who died during the earlier sequences. The performers would change off screen and run downstairs as the elevator fight sequence was happening.
Shot on: FX6, sony 14mm f1.8
Sound: Rode ntg 3+ (post audio Dubbing), Rode Wireless go