

Sleeping Halls My Rode Reel 2021 Submission
Christopher Rae
This is my contest submission for the 2021 My Rode Reel contest. It was filmed on a Canon sl3 with a rode NTG2 and Wireless go lavs.
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Sleeping Halls My Rode Reel 2021 BTS
This is the BTS for my submission to the My Rode Reel 2021 contest. Short and sweet with some funny elements to it. Shot on a canon SL3 with a Rode NTG2 and wireless lavs

Christopher Rae
Director of PhotographyChristopher Rae
DirectorChristopher Rae
GafferMorgan Rowe
ElectricianCj Whitmire
Sound MixerTyson Harty
Sound MixerBrady Eggleston
Production AssistantAJ Harris
Production AssistantKristyn Hulen
Production AssistantRyker Harty
Production AssistantKing Smith
Actor (Zachary)Duke Smith
Actor (Tyler/Killer)Lorelli Fowler
Actor (Amanda)Luke McFarland
Actor (News Reporter)