
HumaniTEA - My Rode Reel 2021 - Drama Short Film 4K/24 - 2.35:1 - RØDE


HumaniTEA - My Rode Reel 2021 - Drama Short Film 4K/24 - 2.35:1 - RØDE

Carmine DAmore

In this day and age, we can ALL use some HumaniTEA. This project was put together for the 2021 My Rode Reel sponsored by Rode who makes amazing audio products. The inspiration was originally from a couple years ago about an idea that I had to make a micro film with a protagonist and antagonist inside the house. I took that idea from then and was able to expand it to this film I present to you here. #myrodereel #rode #myrodereel2021 #RØDE

Behind-The-Scenes Film

HumaniTEA BTS - Behind The Scenes - My Rode Reel 2021

SPOILER ALERT: THIS IS THE BEHIND THE SCENES OF HUMANITEA! Here is the link to HumaniTEA short film from RODE website: In this day and age, we can ALL use some HumaniTEA and now you can go behind the scenes to see how I did it! Please follow the link to vote for my entry if you love it as well PLEASE share the link also from RODE and not the direct video from YouTube so that others can also vote. THANK YOU SO MUCH and I hope you enjoy the show! #myrodereel #rode #myrodereel2021 #RØDE
HumaniTEA BTS - Behind The Scenes - My Rode Reel 2021


Gordon Olivea

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