

Escaping the 4th Wall | My RØDE Reel 2021
Jack McQuistin
A struggling writer suddenly realizes he's "breaking the fourth wall" and is aware of the audience who's watching him. The writer is then swept away on a cinematic odyssey through multiple film genres, reflecting the writer's journey of dealing with his inner demons.
"Escaping the 4th Wall"
Written, Directed, and Edited by Jack McQuistin
Produced by Jack McQuistin & Rylan Hornall
Behind-The-Scenes Film
Escaping the 4th Wall BTS // My Rode Reel 2021
A quick complication of the making of "Escaping the 4th Wall." Made for the My Rode Reel 2021. #MyRodeReel2021
BTS Camera: Connor Miller
BTS Edited by: Lauren Olson.