
First Born


First Born

Ramon Geronimo

Capture Narcos: First Born Having a first child can be challenging but being part of a DEA witness protection with Sicarios looking for Ray and his family can spike parenthood and the need to protect his family at all cost.

Behind-The-Scenes Film

First Born BTS

First Born behind the scenes video. This project was inspired by the arrival of my firstborn child and adapted to be part of my book series Capture Narcos book III. Ramon met Jessie Pichardo in 2003, after paying a visit to his brother in medical school. After Ramon asked her out like 56 times, Jessie finally said yes on January 20, 2004, and they’ve been together ever since. Ramon married Jessie on August 6, 2008, by the civil with only a few witnesses and a big wedding in March 26, 2021.
First Born BTS


Ramon Geronimo

Director/Producer/Editor/Character - Father to be

Jessie Pichardo

Character - Pregnant Wife

Rafael Camacho

Character - Sicario

Aureliz Camacho

Character - Psychologist
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