
My Rode Reel 2021 | The Period.


My Rode Reel 2021 | The Period.

Maya Miss

Ladies we already know how our periods can be – sometimes they come on time and other times it is like they are breaking into our bodies without permission. Hope you enjoy my short film.

Behind-The-Scenes Film

My Rode Reel 2021 | The Period.| Behind the Scenes

Filming these characters was so much fun! My mom was a trooper in making sure I got the lines, mood, and emotion right for this film. Here's a sneak peek of what it was like on set aka my bedroom!
My Rode Reel 2021 | The Period.| Behind the Scenes


Maya Weatherall


Maya Weatherall

Director of Photography

Maya Weatherall

Hair and Make Up

Felecia Weatherall

Script Supervisor
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